NEXT – National Exit Test

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NEXT – National Exit Test


In 2019, the Government of India passed the National Medical Commission Bill (NMC Bill 2019), which will replace the Medical Council of India with respect to the regulation of medical education and practice in India ., As per the NMC Bill 2019, NEXT is going to become a single common exit exam or a gate way to promote meritorious medical students to practice medicine in their respective fields or even pursue higher education in India. This newly proposed NEXT will be implemented in 3 years and once implemented, every Medical Student irrespective of whether he/ she has studied in India or outside India has to sit for NEXT and qualify in order to get the licence to practice in India and for pursuing any PG course.The objective of this National Medical Commission Bill 2019 seems to be enhancing the quality of MBBS graduates across various medical institutes in India. Through NEXT, the Centre aims at combining both the MBBS exit exam and the MBBS licentiate exam into one single Exit Test. This will qualify the MBBS graduates to both practice medicine across India and pursue higher education as well. That means the NEET PG examination will be replaced by NEXT exam which will be conducted at the level of MBBS syllabus.However more details can be known only once the NMC formulates the content and the method of the NEXT. We will bring out more details as and when it is finalized.

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